Dr. Marcee弗利

Dr. Marcee弗利
教授 & 助理护理主任


  • D.N.P. -护理,科罗拉多大学,2015年
  • M.S. - Nurse Midwifery, University of 科罗拉多州, Health Sciences - 2002
  • N.D. -护理,科罗拉多大学,健康科学,2001年
  • B.S. - Preprofessional Biology; minor in chemistry, 内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校 - 1993


  • Dr. 2014年莱曼学院优秀教师奖
  • Charlotte Zietlow Endowment Women Faculty Research Grant - 2009
  • Charlotte Zietlow Endowment Women Faculty Research Grant - 2009
  • 2010 University Research Committee, Round 2, Research Grant Award - 2010


  • 因为我是一名注册护士助产士, 我最喜欢教的内容是妇女健康, 产科/孕产妇健康, 新生儿护理. 然而, I also enjoy helping our final semester graduates prepare for the transition from student to professional nurse.


  • Facilitators and Barriers to Independent Decisions by Midwives during Labor and Birth - Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health - 2012
  • The Role of the Midwife in Promoting Healthy Birth Outcomes - Hassan I University, Casablanca - 2014
  • 《澳门赌场玩法官网》——学术主席——2017年
  • Multigenerational Challenges: Team-Building for Positive Clinical Workforce Outcomes - The 在线 Journal of Issues in Nursing, 银泉, MD - 2016
  • Transition from Community 指令 to University Academe - The 部门 Chair, 霍博肯, NJ/Wiley - 2017


  • Mom-101: A novel smartphone app for educating pregnant women and their families. American College of Nurse Midwives 62nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 2017.
  • The Role of the Midwife in Promoting Health Birth Outcomes in Rural Communities. First 国际 Symposium of 教育 and Research Strategies to Reduce Morocco Infant Mortality, 2014.
  • 当教师裁员和学生成功碰撞. 2018年学术主席会议.
  • Multigenerational Challenges: Team Building for Positive Clinical Workforce Outcomes. 2017年第19届全球护理教育大会.
  • 临床训练营:信心、同伴指导和成功. 第十四届年度护理教师发展研讨会,2018年.


  • Grant: ISU Faculty Conference Travel Grant - ISU Community Engagement 2018 - 2018. 资助- $750
  • 授予:NCLEX-RN成功计划- AHEC 2016 - 2017. 资助:$15,000


  • Women's health, androgogy/pedagogy, high-fidelity simulations, teaching and learning methods.


  • 职位:2017 - 2022年大学研究委员会委员
  • Role: Member - Academic 部门 Chairpersons Revision 2014 - 2015
  • 角色:2014年毕业典礼旗手
  • Role: Commencement Banner Carrier - Commencement 2014 - 2014
  • Role: Member - Parents and Families Committee, University Initiatives 2009 - 2015


  • Role: Reviewer, Journal Article - Clinical Simulations in Nursing 2016 - 2016
  • Role: Committee Member - AMCB Certificate Maintenance Program Committee 2008 - 2016
  • Role: Committee Member - American College of Nurse Midwives 2001 - 2017
  • Role: Committee Member - ACNM Certification Council 2003 - 2007


  • 角色:委员会主席-印第安纳赛事协会2017
  • Role: 董事会成员 - 印第安纳州 Eventing Association 2013 - 2016
  • 角色:其他—— United States Pony Club (children’s educational non-profit organization) 1999 - 2002

Dr. Everly completed her Master’s and Doctorate education at the University of 科罗拉多州, 健康科学中心, 在丹佛, 科罗拉多州.  Dr.Everly is 部门 Chair and Associate 教授 in the 部门 of Baccalaureate Nursing at the 印第安纳州 State University. 主要研究方向为围产期并发症, 患者对助产护理的满意度, 心脏按压出生, 高保真仿真在护理教育中的应用, 以及教学方法.  奖博士. 埃弗莱接待过的包括博士. Lemen Faculty Excellence Award from the College of 卫生与公共服务部, Excellence in Nursing Leadership from Sigma Theta Tau 国际 Nursing Honor Society, and the Zietlow Women Faculty Research award from 印第安纳州 State University.  Dr. Everly is a committee member of the Certificate Maintenance Program for the American Midwifery Certification Board.  She has active membership in the American College of Nurse Midwives, Sigma Theta Tau, 全国护理联盟, and the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties.  Dr. 埃弗莉和她的丈夫住在爱尔兰的特雷霍特.

NURS 330,生育家庭的护理
NURS 364,母婴护理
NURS 207,护理展望
NURS 486护理综合

Doctor of Nursing Practice, 2015, University of 科罗拉多州, Aurora, CO


Master of Science Nursing, Nurse Midwifery, 2002, University of 科罗拉多州, 丹佛, CO

理学学士, 职前的生物学, 副修化学, 1993, 内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校, 拉斯维加斯, NV                    



仙童,R, 弗利,M,鲍尔,R,沃尔特斯,L, & 安德森, L (2013) Rural Nurses’ Continuing 教育 Needs: A U.S. 多地点调查揭示挑战和机遇. 护理教育与实践杂志, 3(6), doi:10.5430 / jnep.v3n5p45

仙童,R, 弗利,MBozarth, L,鲍尔,R,沃尔特斯,L, Sample, M & 安德森, L (2012) A qualitative study of continuing education needs of rural nursing unit staff: The nurse administrator's perspective, 护士建造. 今天, doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2012.05.023

弗利,M (2012) Facilitators and Barriers of Independent Decisions by Midwives during Labor and Birth. 助产和妇女健康杂志, 57(1), 49-54

弗利,M (2012) Are 学生’ impressions of improved learning through active learning methods reflected by improved test scores? 今日护士教育, doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2011.10.023

弗利,M (2009) Review of Assessment Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition.  Doody 's评论服务(网上). 可用: http://www.doody.com

弗利,M (2009)评估回顾:一个非常简单的锻炼. Doody 's评论服务(网上).  可用:  http://www.doody.com


主要研究者, “High-Fidelity Simulations versus Case Studies in Maternal Nursing 教育: which is more effective as a learning tool?(irb #10-034), 2010-2011

主要研究者, “Decision Making of Nurse Midwives:  Does location have an effect?(irb #9105), 2009-2011

共同, “West Central 印第安纳州 – Area Health 教育 Center Assessment of Continuing 教育 Needs of Professional Nurses and Nursing Staff in Hospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities” 2009-2010

主要研究者, “Comparison of patient satisfaction with care from             Certified Nurse Midwives in hospital settings to Free-standing birth center             settings” (IRB#8104), 2007-2009

Co 主要研究者, “Perinatal Complications in Post-term Pregnancies”, 2000

Co Investigator, “Community Health Assessment of Crowley and Otero Counties”, 科罗拉多州, 1999

Research Assistant, “School Aged Girls Who Have Witnessed the Abuse of their Mothers”, 1998

-Ivy Tech Community College, Nursing Programs, Community Advisory Board, member 2012-2014

-印第安纳州 Eventing Association (state nonprofit organization), Board of Directors member 2011-2013

-United States Pony Club (children’s educational non-profit organization), 区专员, 志愿者/赞助商, 印第安纳州, 2002-2014

-United States Pony Club (children’s educational non-profit organization), 志愿者/赞助商, 科罗拉多州, 1999-2002


-马匹保护联盟(非营利性马匹救援), 董事会成员, 志愿者, 丹佛, 科罗拉多州1997 - 2000.